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Apr 14
"I wish that we could all live in the old ways what i mean is to live with nature and all of its creations." Derrick Norton - I live in Texas, Sanger i into wicca, runes, and weird stuff also earth.

Apr 22
"I wish that everyone would stop obsessing over bank accounts and cars and take a look at the world we have created. I wish my life will mean something. I wish for a quick ending." Tom Schaeffer - I am a young person in California. Wondering if there is any room in this life for people like myself. I'll figure it out tomorrow.

Apr 26
"My one wish is that the old ways of the Goddess could be invoked and sustained by her children. We are these children, we hold the key to open the door to peace in our lifetimes!" silverash naDana - Holistic Therapist/Wiccan
