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Sep 06
Saltwater Weeping - by Aaron LaFlora

The raindrops pane my window
Blurring everything beyond what lies-
If perchance I wandered between the glass and the water sheeting there,
I would catch each drop with my tongue
And taste you kissing me deeply--
An ocean filling me with crashing waves-
The seagulls crying saltwater tears
Gliding gently and smoothly
Into one embrace as if to share in our impassioned liberations.
Conquer me gently my love,
And I will never let you go.
And to the wind,
Wild amoung the seascapes;
Let us simply be lovers
Wild is the wind.
Wild is the wind.
I am a literary liaison and manager of the website,Literary Visionaries located at www.literaryvisionaries.com. I am a proud and out lesbian woman who writes poetry, loves animal children and believes in honesty, kindness toward one another, thoughtfulness, simplicities of life and taking a minute to look in front of you and see that these things exist right in front of our eyes....
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Sep 24
Love - by Nadine Hohmann

I listen to a love song
and think about all the good times we had
and all the tears that were shed.
What we had was beautiful cause we had love,
that is all we needed to stay strong.
We fought. It hurt.
Then again, the love we had kept us strong through all those times,
and now I really cry wondering why all those those times said good bye.
Why, why all these times,
so meaningless and fast.
For you without regrets,
without looking back.
Now the tears I shed do make me memorize all those times we spent,
in and out of love.
The times of me holding you and you holding me,
we were so in love.
Was it endless or foreverness?
no bio submitted
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Sep 27
Tomorrow - by Kunigunda

We see what does it bring,
if the same things or not?
Nothing can bring me down,
they tried hard enough.
Let them try as hard as they can,
it just make me tuff.
And I just laugh about their stupid stuff,
because Love and Laughter is all I got.
Kunigunda is a mother of 4 children and a housewife in Bamberg, Germany. She loves art, poetry, music and the all the nice things in life.
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